Have you ever been the victim of name-calling or hushed rumors spreading around the halls of your school? Of sitting alone at lunch and running to your room crying after school almost every day? No? Well, lucky you. Because I have. I know the feeling of going to school dejectedly, knowing that hardly anyone will lend a kind word your way. Thinking that you're alone and nobody likes you. So, I want to talk about that today.
When I was in elementary, I fell prey to a new girl who moved in during 3rd grade. Her name was Mariah and she had it out for me almost from the beginning. I'm not sure why, the only thing I know is that I told her once that having a sister for a cheerleader didn't mean she was popular and could get her way at our school. After that, it just seemed to go downhill. All of my "best friends" left to be one of her friends, because apparently she wouldn't be their friends if they were my friends too. I had a few of them who would only be friends with me "in secret." I took what I could get.
The rumors started spreading in 4th and 5th grade, I'm not going to delve into those but, if you know little kids, you can imagine what they might have said. It was by 5th grade that I didn't even really have "secret friends," all I had was a 2nd grader that my mom babysat and she wasn't old enough to be part of all the drama, so I had her. I remember one day, Mariah and one of her friends came up to me and hooked their arm in mine and said they wanted to play in the field with me. I went out there, thinking maybe my fortunes were looking up. After we had been out there for a little bit, I saw Mariah whispering some stuff into one of the other girls' ear. Then they had me follow them to the big sand pit where everyone held hands and played some game in a circle. But..no one would hold my hand, and they weren't subtle about it either. I didn't know what was going on. That was the first day the rumors spread and, after that, I was alone.
She was constantly dropping snide little comments around me. Like, "Nice shirt. Hang on, are you not even in a training bra yet?" (so, straight to the store with my mom I went) or this one time she brought a 6th-grader up to me and she said "Mariah said your eyelashes are really long and straight! Can you see them??" and one time it was snowing and she called it "Hannah's dandruff." Just pointing out "flaws" that I had never noticed and would never forget. I didn't have dandruff but they made me hate my hair and my eyelashes and my boobs and everything they could find to make a comment about!
I finally made some friends for myself the next year and things changed for me a little bit but, whatever things she said about me would never be unsaid. In 7th grade Mariah was in the locker above mine and it was a constant reminder, she wouldn't let me move on. Later on that year, my parents announced that we were moving and I was upset because I had finally made some good friends. But, after the fact and after a while, I realized that it was an amazing opportunity for me! I could start over. I wouldn't be stuck going to school with people that had gone through all those horrible years with me! I got to South Davis and people didn't know me. They didn't know what I had been through and I could get past it. And I did.
I look back on those years and I believe that the Lord chose that vulnerable and important turning point as an out for me. He inspired my parents to move to a wonderful neighborhood and a wonderful ward and school where I would come to feel loved and perfectly at ease in my world! That decision changed my life. I made friends and I found confidence. I believe that if we had stayed in the Clearfield of my childhood, I would have never escaped it. I was able to blossom into the person I was meant to be, and the person I was no longer scared of being!
Bullying is a real threat. Having gone through it, it's something I worry about a lot. I worry that my own children will face it too. That they will be made to feel small and insignificant by other children who for some reason feel the right to look down on others. Because some aren't so fortunate as to get away from it. Some people don't have a well-timed move to save them from further torture. Most the time, these people suffer in silence. I can tell you I never told my parents about it, at least I didn't tell them how much I was hurting, I don't even remember saying much at all. If I was crying, I probably just said, "oh nothing, it was just kind of a bad day."
You never know how your words or your deeds are affecting those around you. Maybe you were just having fun and teasing, no reason to take offense, right? Maybe it was just a bad day and you snapped without meaning to. Or maybe that person is just too different, they're used to being made fun of, it's not like your contribution could make much difference. Right? Well, I can't say that I agree with that logic. I mean, I'm no supporter of suicide in any situation but, I can see how someone might get so buried beneath all the hatred and mean-spirited words that they would feel like they have no way out. No mood or logic can make any form of bullying okay. Even if you didn't start it, you should never take part in continuing it, no matter the reason and no matter who it is.
There's a music video my husband showed me a while back that is about bullying. It shows a couple people getting picked on and slowly spiraling downward, needing a friend, anybody to just show them that they matter. One of them has a gun and one has pills, it flashes forward showing what their suicides would do to others. But, those people never made it known that it would hurt to lose them. Then it goes backwards to one simple action made that brought those two people out of the darkness. The boy had given his PlayStation away and the "friend" had said thanks and left without a backwards glance and later the friend had brought it back to play with him. Such a small act of kindness. Letting the boy know that he matters.
What a powerful message, the message that just one small act can turn it around for somebody. That even just a smile could make someone reconsider ending their lives!
So, smile at somebody today. Sit by somebody who's all alone and just needs somebody to show them that they're not invisible. Say hi to a stranger. Stand up for someone who's being picked on, even if you're scared of being picked on for doing so. Compliment someone that's working on a new talent, even if you don't think they sing that well or draw that well or whatever the case. Help someone pick up their books or get up after tripping up the stairs in front of a lot of people, imagine how embarrassed they might feel. Never laugh at someone's expense. Don't ignore those who are a little bit different than you. Refuse to be a part of bullying!
Be the type of person you want your children to grow up to be, because they're learning by watching how you actually treat others, not how you tell them to treat others. It all comes back to the Golden Rule, huh? "Treat others the way that you want to be treated." If we all followed that rule, there would be no child coming home crying because they felt alone and unloved. One of my favorite sayings is, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." So, enough with just saying in your head that someone should stop those people from picking on the boy, or whatever the case. Get up and tell them to stop! It may not change the way those people act completely, or maybe even at all, but it just changed everything to that boy.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
One Paranoid Mother, Coming Through!!
Sometimes while holding my little one, I get to worrying.Worrying about the future. Worrying about Satan and all of his evil influences I know he'll try to use to get my baby to lose her way. Let me tell you, I've never been so worried or paranoid in my life! Are you sure we can't protect our kids from everything? How 'bout I just stick her in a giant hamster ball whenever she leaves the house?? There would be a hole for food and water and such, of course :)
Ok, that's a little extreme but, I'm serious about just wanting to save her from all the evil out there! She's such an angel and I just can't stand the thought of her being hurt by anything or anyone! It just kills me. I can only imagine how our Heavenly Father feels, sending us all out here, knowing the possible obstacles and temptations that could keep us from coming back to Him.
The hard thing about it is knowing and seeing the way the world is changing, what it's turning into. I can't even watch the news because it's just too full of the evil in the world. Too full of death, hatred and sin. Parents are caring less about the way their children are raised, God is less present in the minds of the people, and overall there is less goodness and kindness. It's gotten to the point where any good deed that's noticed could get on the news because of the near-rarity of such deeds!
It doesn't help that I've seen how kids, too many to be of comfort, are growing up these days. I used to work at a daycare here in Clearfield and it just sickened me to see the things these parents let their kids do. One of the most extreme cases, something I'll never forget, was the case of a little girl, barely the age of 3. Her mom was the cook at the daycare and she had two other brothers that were cared for there as well. She didn't know how to say much, she only knew a few words or at least there were only a few that she chose to say. But do you know what the first word was that I heard her say? It happened one day when she was upset at a teacher..it was "F*** you!" Can you believe that?? Her brothers were no better, they would flip people off, quote South Park and swear up a storm when provoked in the slightest! There was another girl that came everyday with her arms covered in stick-on tattoos, just trying to be like mommy and daddy. There were multiple kids whose parents would bring home new people every night and not hide what they were doing. There were many others with similar cases and from talking to all the kids, there were only a few that came from an unbroken home..
I couldn't believe it at first, I would wonder what made the kids act in this way or that way. I would wonder why this kid yelled all the time or that kid thought they were better than everyone, above the rules. The mystery was solved upon meeting their parents, and I'm sure if I met the parents of the parents, that mystery would be solved as well. I would see dads come and yell at their kid for no apparent reason and another parent come that would complain about everything until they got their way. No wonder their kids acted that way! It just seems to me that people are getting careless, not paying enough attention to the examples they are setting for those around them, but especially the example they are setting for their children! Little kids are so impressionable, they see their parents drink and they will most likely drink. They hear their parents swear in most common conversations and they will grow to do the same. It just breaks my heart.
So, you'll forgive me when I say that I'm hesitant to send my baby out there with those kinds of people running around. It was bad enough back when I was in school, but I never had to deal with these problems when I was in elementary. When I was in grade school, you hardly ever heard swear words, and when you did, those people would get in trouble. Now, though, I doubt that most people would even notice if a child swore! We're just getting more and more desensitized to it all. Movies that were once PG-13 are now PG, movies that should be rated R are now PG-13 and who knows how many teens are being subjected to it? Movies that are meant for kids often trouble even me! All TV shows and movies "have to have" references to sex (if not actual scenes showing it), some form of drugs, and casual consumption of alcohol. It didn't just jump to being that way either. It's the flaxen cord that is talked about in the scriptures. We started out with just a few swear words and gradually got to the point we're at now, where conversations consist of swear words on a regular basis, they're pretty much every other word spoken. We started out with modest clothing and gradually we started hemming the skirts up and up, we started cutting the necklines deeper and deeper, and so on until today the actresses hardly have anything but underwear on! No one can say we didn't have time to stop that from happening.
It scares me when I think of it all, when I think of what we parents are up against. Those of us that are trying to raise our children in the gospel..we're going to be constantly at war with Satan. When our children step out of our homes, they will be assailed from all sides. That is why it is so important to keep our families centered around the Lord, to raise our children to know that they are meant for so much more! They are children of the Most High. They're not going to make it out of this life completely unscathed, that would go against the Plan. But, with the help of our Father in Heaven and with the support of the family, they will make it back! In my eyes, there's no other way. My kids will know God. They will know that He loves them. They will know that their parents love them. Maybe that means that sometimes I will not allow them to go out with their friends if I question the intentions of the group. Maybe that means they'll be upset with me but, it will also mean that I was prompted to act that way to protect them and they'll thank me for it one day. I know that because I have righteous parents who have done that for me a time or two :)
I'm so grateful to have had such wonderful parents and role-models in my life! They have helped me stay on the straight and narrow, and now I can be that guiding influence in my own children's lives! Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I've lived worthy to be sealed to my family forever, to know that I've lived in a way that will lend guidance and strength to my sweet angels. Heaven knows they'll need all the help they can get in this world! I plan on being that help. If for no other reason (though there are many), I will live righteously to set the example for my children! Everything starts in the home, that is where we are first nurtured and where we learn the most important lessons in life. So, keep your home centered around Christ. Doing so will ensure you never lose your way, all who enter will feel of that Spirit and benefit from it, and your home will be a safe haven from the world. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)
Ok, that's a little extreme but, I'm serious about just wanting to save her from all the evil out there! She's such an angel and I just can't stand the thought of her being hurt by anything or anyone! It just kills me. I can only imagine how our Heavenly Father feels, sending us all out here, knowing the possible obstacles and temptations that could keep us from coming back to Him.
The hard thing about it is knowing and seeing the way the world is changing, what it's turning into. I can't even watch the news because it's just too full of the evil in the world. Too full of death, hatred and sin. Parents are caring less about the way their children are raised, God is less present in the minds of the people, and overall there is less goodness and kindness. It's gotten to the point where any good deed that's noticed could get on the news because of the near-rarity of such deeds!
It doesn't help that I've seen how kids, too many to be of comfort, are growing up these days. I used to work at a daycare here in Clearfield and it just sickened me to see the things these parents let their kids do. One of the most extreme cases, something I'll never forget, was the case of a little girl, barely the age of 3. Her mom was the cook at the daycare and she had two other brothers that were cared for there as well. She didn't know how to say much, she only knew a few words or at least there were only a few that she chose to say. But do you know what the first word was that I heard her say? It happened one day when she was upset at a teacher..it was "F*** you!" Can you believe that?? Her brothers were no better, they would flip people off, quote South Park and swear up a storm when provoked in the slightest! There was another girl that came everyday with her arms covered in stick-on tattoos, just trying to be like mommy and daddy. There were multiple kids whose parents would bring home new people every night and not hide what they were doing. There were many others with similar cases and from talking to all the kids, there were only a few that came from an unbroken home..
I couldn't believe it at first, I would wonder what made the kids act in this way or that way. I would wonder why this kid yelled all the time or that kid thought they were better than everyone, above the rules. The mystery was solved upon meeting their parents, and I'm sure if I met the parents of the parents, that mystery would be solved as well. I would see dads come and yell at their kid for no apparent reason and another parent come that would complain about everything until they got their way. No wonder their kids acted that way! It just seems to me that people are getting careless, not paying enough attention to the examples they are setting for those around them, but especially the example they are setting for their children! Little kids are so impressionable, they see their parents drink and they will most likely drink. They hear their parents swear in most common conversations and they will grow to do the same. It just breaks my heart.
So, you'll forgive me when I say that I'm hesitant to send my baby out there with those kinds of people running around. It was bad enough back when I was in school, but I never had to deal with these problems when I was in elementary. When I was in grade school, you hardly ever heard swear words, and when you did, those people would get in trouble. Now, though, I doubt that most people would even notice if a child swore! We're just getting more and more desensitized to it all. Movies that were once PG-13 are now PG, movies that should be rated R are now PG-13 and who knows how many teens are being subjected to it? Movies that are meant for kids often trouble even me! All TV shows and movies "have to have" references to sex (if not actual scenes showing it), some form of drugs, and casual consumption of alcohol. It didn't just jump to being that way either. It's the flaxen cord that is talked about in the scriptures. We started out with just a few swear words and gradually got to the point we're at now, where conversations consist of swear words on a regular basis, they're pretty much every other word spoken. We started out with modest clothing and gradually we started hemming the skirts up and up, we started cutting the necklines deeper and deeper, and so on until today the actresses hardly have anything but underwear on! No one can say we didn't have time to stop that from happening.
It scares me when I think of it all, when I think of what we parents are up against. Those of us that are trying to raise our children in the gospel..we're going to be constantly at war with Satan. When our children step out of our homes, they will be assailed from all sides. That is why it is so important to keep our families centered around the Lord, to raise our children to know that they are meant for so much more! They are children of the Most High. They're not going to make it out of this life completely unscathed, that would go against the Plan. But, with the help of our Father in Heaven and with the support of the family, they will make it back! In my eyes, there's no other way. My kids will know God. They will know that He loves them. They will know that their parents love them. Maybe that means that sometimes I will not allow them to go out with their friends if I question the intentions of the group. Maybe that means they'll be upset with me but, it will also mean that I was prompted to act that way to protect them and they'll thank me for it one day. I know that because I have righteous parents who have done that for me a time or two :)
I'm so grateful to have had such wonderful parents and role-models in my life! They have helped me stay on the straight and narrow, and now I can be that guiding influence in my own children's lives! Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I've lived worthy to be sealed to my family forever, to know that I've lived in a way that will lend guidance and strength to my sweet angels. Heaven knows they'll need all the help they can get in this world! I plan on being that help. If for no other reason (though there are many), I will live righteously to set the example for my children! Everything starts in the home, that is where we are first nurtured and where we learn the most important lessons in life. So, keep your home centered around Christ. Doing so will ensure you never lose your way, all who enter will feel of that Spirit and benefit from it, and your home will be a safe haven from the world. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Mothers of the Past and Present
Life with a new baby can be really difficult sometimes. My little one is a sucker, trying to get her weaned and used to a binky has been a real challenge. Hours of trying to keep her happy and trying not to overfeed her, because of her desire to suck, has been emotionally and physically stressful. I'm surprised and proud of myself that I can keep calm through it all (I admit I've cried on occasion, but still, I think that's mostly from exhaustion), I don't know where the patience comes from-actually I do, from the Lord. He helps me realize that it's not going to last forever, that my daughter needs my help and she needs that patience and love from me. It's so hard but so easy, all at the same time. It's hard to know what to do for her sometimes but it's easy to do it for her because of the immense love I have for that little angel! So hard to have her fall asleep and be peaceful right up until I put her down, so hard to hear her scream and not know what to do to keep her healthy by not feeding her that much and keep her happy at the same time. With all of this being said, I am so grateful to have support from my mother and from the other mothers I know-such as my wonderful sister who I've turned to for advice a lot in my life and having a baby has definitely not changed that.
But, when I think how wonderful it is to have so much information and support in this day and age for all the things we face, I wonder what it would have been like for mothers of the past. What about Eve? She was the first mother. Who helped her know how to soothe a diaper rash or calm a colic-y baby? They didn't have access to all of the medicine and remedies that we have today. I think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. He was just like any other baby right? It's hard to picture Him crying inconsolably or having diaper blow-outs or keeping His mother up all night. What did she do, who did she turn to?
The answer to those questions: Heavenly Father. It's no different in my case either. Sure, I turn to other mothers to help me out, to teach me common ways to ease gas pains or clear up congestion, etc. But, the one I truly turn to, to help me with my baby and everything else, is the Lord. He gives me added strength when I am in need of it. He gives love in place of the frustration that I would feel. He helps me keep in mind the bigger picture, the knowledge that I am helping one of His precious daughters to live and to learn and to grow. All I have ever wanted is to be a mother. Now that my wish is granted, it can sometimes be harder than expected to have it come true. People will tell you horror stories and will generally tell you that babies are hard and little girls are trouble. Well, while there is some truth to that (yes, being a mom is hard work!), what about all the good stuff? Why aren't more people spreading the word that being a parent is knowing the most joy you'll ever know?? Why is it always the negative stuff that gets the spotlight?
I, for one, am choosing to look on the positive side! Yes, I'm up late into the night and early morning more than I'd care to be. But, I'm up with my little angel baby, bonding with her and helping her through whatever it is she needs help with! Yes, that is a butt-load of diapers that I've changed in the past week. But, at least I know that my daughter's body is functioning as it should and getting all the gunk out of her! Yes, I don't get to go out whenever I please and when I do, it's not the same as before. But, who said I want it to be the same as before? What I want is Ayden. I want to do good by her, be there for her always, and be the best mother I can be! If that means staying up until 4 am (as was the case last night), then so be it. The way I see it, all the late nights pale in comparison to being able to see her sweet face everyday. The crying and the headaches pale in comparison to her little squeaks and smiles. Yes, I am tired and those nights seem eternal but I wouldn't trade it for the nights I slept through before I had her! I am one tired but oh so happy mommy! :)
But, when I think how wonderful it is to have so much information and support in this day and age for all the things we face, I wonder what it would have been like for mothers of the past. What about Eve? She was the first mother. Who helped her know how to soothe a diaper rash or calm a colic-y baby? They didn't have access to all of the medicine and remedies that we have today. I think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. He was just like any other baby right? It's hard to picture Him crying inconsolably or having diaper blow-outs or keeping His mother up all night. What did she do, who did she turn to?
The answer to those questions: Heavenly Father. It's no different in my case either. Sure, I turn to other mothers to help me out, to teach me common ways to ease gas pains or clear up congestion, etc. But, the one I truly turn to, to help me with my baby and everything else, is the Lord. He gives me added strength when I am in need of it. He gives love in place of the frustration that I would feel. He helps me keep in mind the bigger picture, the knowledge that I am helping one of His precious daughters to live and to learn and to grow. All I have ever wanted is to be a mother. Now that my wish is granted, it can sometimes be harder than expected to have it come true. People will tell you horror stories and will generally tell you that babies are hard and little girls are trouble. Well, while there is some truth to that (yes, being a mom is hard work!), what about all the good stuff? Why aren't more people spreading the word that being a parent is knowing the most joy you'll ever know?? Why is it always the negative stuff that gets the spotlight?
I, for one, am choosing to look on the positive side! Yes, I'm up late into the night and early morning more than I'd care to be. But, I'm up with my little angel baby, bonding with her and helping her through whatever it is she needs help with! Yes, that is a butt-load of diapers that I've changed in the past week. But, at least I know that my daughter's body is functioning as it should and getting all the gunk out of her! Yes, I don't get to go out whenever I please and when I do, it's not the same as before. But, who said I want it to be the same as before? What I want is Ayden. I want to do good by her, be there for her always, and be the best mother I can be! If that means staying up until 4 am (as was the case last night), then so be it. The way I see it, all the late nights pale in comparison to being able to see her sweet face everyday. The crying and the headaches pale in comparison to her little squeaks and smiles. Yes, I am tired and those nights seem eternal but I wouldn't trade it for the nights I slept through before I had her! I am one tired but oh so happy mommy! :)
Thursday, January 16, 2014
The Birth of My Daughter, Ayden, From My Point of View
The night of December 9th, 2013 I awoke to pretty extreme cramps. I was up all night trying to ease the pain, trying to find any position in which I could comfortably get back to sleep. No dice. The pain continued all the next day and finally my husband, Sam, was able to convince me to go and see a doctor the next morning after there was still no change in my situation. We went to Ogden Regional Hospital (on Wednesday) where we had, coincidentally, gone the morning before the pain started (so, Monday) to pre-register for Ayden's arrival. They hooked me up to monitors and said they wanted to observe my condition for a while. Six hours later, after being told that I was having consistent contractions at about 2 minutes apart but I was not dilating at all, I was told to leave and come back if the pain got even worse. The nurse played off my contractions as not being strong enough anyway and said they couldn't do the C-Section (Ayden was breach the whole pregnancy and we had a planned C-Section for January 2nd) without medical reason. So, with much disappointment and pain on my part, we left for home once more. My boss was kind enough to give me the week off saying to call after the weekend to update her on my condition. So, I stayed home, stuck on the couch in pain.
Friday, the 13th of December, brought my nieces to my house to be watched while my sister and her husband went to Park City for their 6th anniversary. I had been in so much pain that day that I had prayed to have it stop, I knew I could not handle it for weeks like some women have to when they're in pre-labor. I told my Heavenly Father that I couldn't bear it any longer. My sister didn't want to burden me too much with watching them so she worked out other babysitters for that night and the weekend. It's a good thing she did too because at exactly the time my sister-in-law, Courtney, pulled up into the driveway to pick them up, I went to the bathroom feeling something wet on my garments. As I checked to see what it was, I noticed that I was bleeding. A lot. It wouldn't stop and I started to get very nervous. I started stammering Sam's name, not sure what to do. He asked if I wanted him to come in, I told him I didn't know. Eventually I let Courtney come and look at how much blood was in the toilet, I knew this wasn't normal. She told me I needed to go to the hospital, my mom and sister had actually told me the same thing earlier that day but I had said that I did not want to be turned away again, I couldn't take that disappointment again, and I was sure the pain was nothing to worry about. As we hurried to get out the door with a few things packed in haste, I had to get a pad on because the bleeding was not slowing down. Soon after we got in the car, I knew the pad was soaked as well. Sam called 911 and told them the situation, asked if we had time to drive the 20 minutes to our planned hospital (Ogden Regional) and we were told to go to Davis Hospital, as it was just an exit away.
When I hurried in through the Emergency Entrance and up to the window, I could feel the blood getting on my pants. I was more nervous than ever. My mind was racing. "Was my baby ok? She had to be ok!" Why wouldn't they hurry? Why are they making me stand here and talk like nothing's wrong? Just take me back gosh dangit! I need to know that she's ok!" Finally, they brought out a wheel chair for me and after the nurse pushed me into the room at an excruciatingly slow pace, I hurried to change into a hospital gown. When the next nurse came in to check on me, I had to call her into the bathroom because blood had gotten everywhere. I was trying to not freak out, I didn't want to cause any more damage if I could avoid it. She realized that the situation was obviously more serious than she'd been led to believe and she left the room to call my doctor. Sam called his mom and my mom (she was in a concert and he had to leave a voicemail) to warn them that we might be having the baby soon. After the nurse had made the call, she came back in telling us that Dr. Boheen agreed that my baby was coming that night! They prepped me for the C-Section right away. Sam and I both looked at each other, my mind was blank and racing all at the same time! He sent a quick message to our loved ones before going to get dressed for the operation room. It had all come on so quickly, all of the sudden, poof! I was going to have my baby that very night! As I struggled to keep myself calm through the contractions, the doctors and nurses explained to me what they were doing as they prepped the spinal block and got me all ready for the surgery. They told me the bleeding was caused by the placenta beginning to tear away from the uterine wall and if we had waited much longer to come in, some damage could have been done to Ayden. They told us that we were right to have come to Davis, as it was closer and our fast reaction time might just have prevented our baby from loosing blood herself! Sam stood in front of me while they swabbed alcohol on my back and tried to get me to focus on something else. He told me that he loved me and that we were going to have our baby soon, he told me I was being so brave and doing great and asked how I felt. Honestly, I had never been so scared/nervous in my life! I did not feel brave, that's for sure. I told him so, that I was scared to death but so excited to meet our daughter. They had checked Ayden's heart beat and she was doing just perfectly, to which I replied jokingly, "well, I'm glad she's fine!" haha but really, that's just what I needed to hear.
They gave me the spinal block and waited for the numbing effect to take place. When it did, they got everything else prepped. My doctor and her partner had arrived and her presence helped calm me a little as I asked basic questions about the surgery. Sam stood, watching it all happen and I would ask him every now and then what was going on. I could feel tugging and some pressure but had no idea what they were doing at any given time. He smoothly said "They're just prepping" a few times and I knew he was lying, and I loved him for it :) Suddenly, I heard a suction-y sound and I asked what it was, Sam simply said "it's our daughter" with wonder in his voice. The doctor brought her over for me to see briefly, she was so tiny and purple and beautiful! I began to cry, I had never felt so close to God. They took her away, with Sam following closely behind, to get her cleaned up and to check on all her vitals. She hadn't cried, she had just stared at me and in that brief moment, I fell in love. As they removed the placenta and stitched me up, talking about Christmas trees and other such casual things (just another day in the office, right?), I listened for the sound of my little angel's cries with earnest. When I heard it, I cried some more and the nurse was kind enough to wipe the tears out of my eyes, since I couldn't move and do so myself. He told me that she was perfect, a healthy 6 pounds 8 ounces, 19 inches, amazing for a 4 week early baby! I was so proud and overjoyed to hear that she didn't need to go to the NICU, she went into the nursery, healthy and strong!
I was wheeled into my room and soon was surrounded by our families! The procedure had taken a mere 28 minutes or so, with Ayden being born at 8:46 pm on Friday, December 13, 2013. Everyone, besides Chan and Court and the kids, was able to be there supporting us and full of love for the new little life in our lives! I had taken a bath earlier that day, trying to relax, and my hair was in a loose braid, I had no makeup on. Not exactly one of my prettiest moments but, I didn't care, because it was over, I would have my girl in my arms so soon! Necia came in and told me that she was perfect and I was filled with appreciation and love because I needed that. I needed to know she was doing well, that she was healthy and looking good. My family teased and tortured me as they got to go and see my daughter through the nursery window before I even got to really see her. That hurt a little. But, soon, a nurse came in and told us that they could bring her into us now! Sam and I asked for a quick moment alone with her and the others filed out. When they wheeled in that little plastic "crib," I was overwhelmed with a gigantic need to see my daughter! As the nurse handed her over, I about imploded with love! She and I stared at each other and it was as if I had never known a single unhappy moment because this moment cancelled them all out. This moment of pure, unhindered joy. As I sat in that bed with my daughter in my arms and my husband by my side, I had never been happier.
The rest of the night was filled with smiles and laughter as my family held and passed around the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen. I loved having my family there with me :) Necia had half-joked with me earlier that day telling me to at least not have my baby on her anniversary haha well, I did her a day sooner :) Apparently, they had been in the middle of watching the Hobbit 2 all the way in Park City when they got the message. They went 90 all the way back and were there so soon, that I had no idea they had even gone to Park City until later that night when they told me they had to get back! My parents had been at a Christmas concert in SLC, they had hurried out, picked up Austin from play practice at the high school and got there with treats for everyone :) Sam's mom was the first to respond to the news and all of his siblings and his dad got there soon after his text had been sent! Johnevan and his girlfriend Brianna came a little later to join in the merriment! Courtney was at home with the kids but her and Channing came in to see Ayden as soon as they could. Sam, Ayden and I are so blessed to be surrounded by such loving and caring family! We loved having them there and it was a perfect night that we will not soon forget!
The following days included an uncomfortable hospital bed, walks around the hospital trying to speed along my recovery, hard hours of trying to help my baby eat enough, lots of TV and constant interruptions from nurses, doctors, hospital workers and visits from family. It was nice to have the assistance of everyone in the hospital but after those 4 days, man, was I glad to go home and get a little privacy! I just wanted to spend a little time with my daughter without some nurse coming in to ask how the feeding was going or taking her to the nursery to mess with her a little more! :)
My mom was so kind to come those first few days to help me get settled. She picked up a "few" (if you know her, you know why there are quotation marks around the word few) groceries and helped me figure out how to comfortably feed Ayden. She helped me with dishes and laundry, and she constantly reminded me to take naps :) Without her, things would have been a lot harder I am sure! My husband was kind enough to ask people to give us a few days alone at home before visiting and I was so touched that he knew I needed it but wouldn't have asked that of people myself. I hate to disappoint others but I did need that. He makes life so much easier! He has tried to help with whatever he can throughout this first month! It's hard because right now all she really needs is food and a diaper change, a bath every so often, and love! He always offers to change her diaper when he's home and he's just full of the love! Sometimes, in my desperate aching for a break from feeding (my baby is a sucker and we've had some pretty tough days where she stays awake for hours on end just wanting me for that sole purpose, we are now working on weaning her a little and training her to take a binky in those hours of need) or a need for sleep, I've made him be extra quiet and not touch her so she can sleep. I hate to because he doesn't get as much time with her, so whenever there is a chance, I try to have him take her for a few minutes at least. She does love her daddy :) When she sees his face as he dances with her in front of the Christmas lights (yes, we still have our tree up because I like it as a night light and she loves the lights), she calms right down for a while and just stares, content. I love those moments :)
We love our daughter! Ayden already has so much personality and strength, everyone that sees her falls in love right away :) She could lift her head off my shoulder, the very day after being born! She smiles all of the time, though she doesn't know what it means :) My favorite feeling and sound is that of her breathing as she sleeps against me. I remember scheduling our C-Section and telling her that if she wanted a different birthday now, she would have to make that happen all on her own. Boy, did she ever! I can already tell that we have one amazing little girl on our hands :) I also know that the Lord prepared her to come at the time that she did, she came with no problems whatsoever. Besides the common signs of jaundice and a weight loss of 12 ounces in those first days at the hospital. She's more than made up for that now! She weighed 8 pounds at her 4 week well doctor visit and she has grown an inch, putting her at 20 inches! She gets the hiccups a couple times a day, just like she did when I was pregnant. It's silly and comforting and surreal to know she's the same little girl I had in me all those months :)
I have always wanted to be a mother, I thought of my children all the time. Ever since I was tiny! Thinking of them kept me from doing things that would disappoint them and that would disappoint the Lord and that would disappoint myself. They kept me true to myself and I love them for that! I always told people that what I wanted to be when I grew up was a mommy and now, my dreams have come true :) I will never forget that night when our Ayden Elizabeth Bartholomew made me a mother :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
An Introduction Into My Life
A few months ago, I had the desire to start a blog after having my baby girl, Ayden. Mainly as a type of journal to record the wonderful life we live, but also as a place where I can write down my thoughts of this world and of being a mother, a role that I have longed for my entire life, and of anything else I can think to write about! But, before I start with a post about the birth of my little angel, I wanted to make a short introduction of my family first :)
My husband, Sam, and I got married on August 31, 2012. We had met just after I had come home from BYU-Hawaii for the summer, dated for almost 2 weeks and then were engaged exactly a month after my homecoming! Crazy, right? I had never been the type to jump into something like that, I had been planning on going to Italy to be a nanny actually. But, plans changed :) When I had been in Hawaii, my brother Channing had texted me telling me that my future husband had just gotten home from his mission and his name was Sam Bartholomew. I laughed it off, thinking how silly he was and I did the same when I got home and he kept insisting it was destiny for Sam and I to meet. But, on April 26th, I met Sam and I stopped laughing. I remember praying a few days after meeting him and saying "Heavenly Father, I think I'm in love with him! If this is a joke, make this feeling go away or I might do something crazy!" Soon after, we were getting engaged! I remember someone saying once that love should not be hard, you shouldn't be fighting through obstacle after obstacle to be together, it should be easy and right. Well, that's the way it was for Sam and me. Everything was smooth going, I knew we were supposed to be together, the Lord wouldn't let me forget it :) We found a car, our house practically fell into our lap, the wedding plans went smoothly and we were so in love! I don't ever remember a time before that where I was so sure about anything!
We went on a honeymoon cruise to Catalina Island and Ensenada, Mexico and we had a blast! The following year brought: starting 5 newspaper routes and quickly thereafter trying to get out of them, me starting work at a daycare and quickly thereafter getting out of that horror of a job, getting fish one FHE, buying our (german shepherd) puppy Meeko, Sam's 22nd birthday, me starting work at the Clearfield Aquatic Center and loving it and the people I work with, getting chickens, going on a big road trip to see the Redwoods and all that the Highway 101 has to offer, finding out I was pregnant and being beyond excited about that, my 20th birthday, my uncle Wayne's funeral, going to the Dodgers game in California to see Elder Holland throw the first pitch, my grandpa's funeral, a couple's cruise with Sam's sister, Sarah, and her husband, Camron, to the Bahamas and a day in Florida to top it off on our 1st anniversary, low-key holidays this year with some awesome baby showers in between, and a month early grand entrance from our beautiful baby girl, Ayden Elizabeth Bartholomew!
I know I left a lot out but, those were the highlights of this past year! It's looking at how much happens in life that made me want to have a record of it, in my own words. My husband is very good at blogging and keeping a journal and it's so amazing to go back to a specific day and see what happened in his words. So, I want to have that for myself, for my kids and their kids and so on. I want to be able to look back on some important event and know exactly how I felt about it.
I'm no grand writer or anything like that, but, here goes nothing!
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